Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban, St. Albans, Hertfordshire
Harrison & Harrison, 1962/90
Harrison & Harrison, 2008/09
North and south main cases by John Oldrid Scott, 1908
Choir case by Cecil Brown, 1962
Principal - 16
Bourdon - 16
Principal - 8
Diapason - 8
Spitzflute - 8
Stopped Diapason - 8
Octave - 4
Stopped Flute - 4
Quint - 2 ? 2009, from old Quartane II
Super Octave - 2 2009, from old Quartane II
Blockflute - 2
Mixture - IV-VI restored to 1962 state
Bass Trumpet - 16
Trumpet - 8 2009
Clarion - 4 2009
Grand Cornet - V fiddle g
Open Diapason - 8
Rohr Flute - 8
Viola - 8
Celeste - 8 tc
Principal - 4
Open Flute - 4
Nazard - 2 ?
Octave - 2 2009
Gemshorn - 2
Tierce - 1 3/5
Mixture - III recast 2009
Cimbel - III remade, composition unchanged
Corno di Bassetto - 16
Hautboy - 8
Vox Humana - 8
Trumpet - 8
Clarion - 4
Quintatön - 16
Open Diapason - 8
Gedacktpommer - 8
Flauto Traverso - 8
Octave - 4
Rohr Flute - 4
Wald Flute - 2
Larigot - 1?
Sesquialtera - II
Mixture - IV restored to 1962 state
Cromorne - 8
Corno di Bassetto - 16 (Swell)
Grand Cornet - V (Great)
Fanfare Trumpet - 8
Sub Bass - 32
Principal - 16 (2009)
Major Bass - 16
Bourdon - 16
Quint - 10?
Octave - 8 (2009)
Gedackt - 8
Nazard - 5?
Choral Bass - 4
Open Flute - 2
Mixture - IV
Fagotto - 32 (2009)
Bombardon - 16
Bass Trumpet - 16 from Great
Fagotto - 16 from Fagotto
Tromba - 8
Shawm - 4
Swell octave
Swell suboctave
Swell unison off
Swell to Great
Swell to Choir
Choir octave
Choir unison off
Choir to Great
Solo Octave
Solo Unison Off
Solo to Great
Solo to Choir
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Choir to Pedal
Solo to Pedal
Great reeds on Solo
Nave on Great
Nave on Solo
manual: C - a ''' 58 notes
pedal: C - g ' 32 notes radiating & concave
Cimbelstern of 6 bells (drawstop duplicated by foot pedal) 2009
8 toe pistons to Pedal
8 toe pistons to Swell
8 thumb pistons and cancel to Choir
8 thumb pistons and cancel to Great (will also affect Nave organ when Nave on Great coupler is drawn)
8 thumb pistons and cancel to Swell
3 thumb pistons and cancel to Solo
4 thumb pistons and cancel to Nave
8 divisional piston memory levels
16 general pistons (256 general piston memory levels)
generals on toe pistons by drawstop
stepper operating general pistons in sequence
reversible thumb pistons: Gt-Pd, Sw-Pd, Ch-Pd, So-Pd, Sw-Ch, Ch-Gt, Sw-Gt, So-Gt, Gt Reeds on Solo, Nave-Gt, Nave-Solo;
reversible toe pistons: Gt-Pd, Nave on Gt
Great & Pedal combinations coupled
general Cancel piston
setter piston
balanced expression pedal to Swell
electric blowing
A 10" x 8" colour photograph or high resolution image is available from the original. Please contact us for further details